How to buy 2023 WASSCE results Checker via Momo and online

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How to buy the 2023 WASSCE results checker via Momo and online ahead of the release of the 2023 WASSCE results for school candidates has been fully explained in this post. The WAEC is projected to release the results of WASSCE candidates before the end of December. The 14th of December is projected for the release.
How to buy 2023 WASSCE results Checker via Momo and online
To get a genuine WASSCE Results Checker to check the 2023 WASSCE results released by WAEC from a genuine source to avoid fraud, kindly use this process to purchase your checkers to be safe. Your resultcheckers bought on will be sent to you no matter how it delays or you will get a refund.
You can visit and select WASSCE as the checker and the quantity you wish to buy.
Use the MTN shortcode and follow the process below.
1. Dial *170#
2. Select MomoPay and Paybill.
3. Select paybill
4. Select General Payment
4. Enter the payment code: MAWU.
5. Enter the amount: 17 (Enter 34, 51.. if you want to buy 2, 3..)
6. Enter the reference: WASSCE
Enter your Momo pin to complete the transaction.
A code will be sent instantly via SMS after a successful payment.
For bulk purchases and any inquiries, kindly WhatsApp Click to chat with us
Mawulepe Ventures: Your number-one-stop shop for electronic vouchers We serve you with speed.
Did you purchase a checker or voucher and you didn’t receive the code?
Kindly provide us with the transaction message or ID by chating us here [CHAT US]
To check your WASSCE result, you will need a result checker card with a PIN and serial number, plus your index number. Follow the procedures below to check your result when it is released by the West African Examination Council in the second week of December 2023.
- Log on to
- Enter your index number.
- Select the type of examination (e.g., WASSCE).
- Select your examination year, e.g., 2003.
- Enter the serial number found on the voucher.
- Enter the 12-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) on your voucher, e.g., 012345678912.
- Confirm your index number and examination year. This is to ensure that your examination information is correct.
- Click on Submit and wait for the display in the pop-up window. This may take several minutes.
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READ: 2023 WASSCE for School results to be checked on new website